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A Tale of Two Trees

Drumroll…I give you the Petrone Family Christmas tree:

This is 2020. One silent night our beautiful evergreen came crashing down and took some precious ornaments along with it. Annoying. We bought our tree right after Thanksgiving and she just didn’t last this year. So we went with plan B…

We brought in an artificial tree from another room and it worked! I think our tale of two trees is kind of a metaphor for this past year. You’re happily chugging along and then the tree and its ornaments come crashing down! You are forced to make other plans. This year has taught me much about flexibility, creativity, perspective and gratitude.

I’m grateful we had that other tree. And I’m grateful for my health, family, friends, clients and a job I love.

I know this year has been a difficult one for so many. My Christmas wish for you is to celebrate brighter days ahead and find peace in the “plan b.”

From our home to yours, “Happy Holidays!”



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